Following a certain event, Mikurigaoka New Town transformed into a crucible of supernatural phenomena known as GHOSTS! In said town lives Hifumi, a middle school boy, who one day encounters a girl who...
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun tells the story of Suzuki Iruma, a boy sold to a demon by his irresponsible parents in exchange for money. To his surprise, he finds himself living with the demon and enrolled ...
Taiyo Asano is a super shy high school student and the only person he can talk to is his childhood friend, Mutsumi Yozakura. It turns out that Mutsumi is the daughter of the ultimate spy family! Even ...
The year is 20XX… A time when every household owns cute maid robots known as OrderMaids. Average grade-schooler Bondo dreams of having his very own robot. But what he got was… Unable to compute!!! Lif...
Morihito, a boy with the strength of an ogre, is about to start living together with his childhood friend Niko, who is training to be a witch. Niko’s magic leads to all sorts of unpredictable trouble,...
Taro Sakamoto was the ultimate assassin, feared by villains and admired by hitmen. But one day…he fell in love! Retirement, marriage, fatherhood and then… Sakamoto gained weight! The chubby guy who ru...