Losing his memories after the transfer, the curtains of the story of alternate world transfer of the Kelvin rises. While steadily getting stronger, he adds new subordinates by mastering his skills in ...
かつて滅びた死者の街。そこには豪快な骸骨の剣士、ブラッド。淑やかな神官ミイラ、マリー。偏屈な魔法使いの幽霊、ガスに育てられる少年ウィルがいた。死者の街に秘められた謎。神々の愛と慈悲。偏執と狂気。その全てを知る時、少年は聖騎士への道を歩みだす。 William is the lone human in a city of the dead. Born with vague memories of a...